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KUKA robot controller KR C5

  • NG # 00121-HW-KUKA-022

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Compact, high-quality and with low energy consumption: the KUKA KR C5 controller offers possibilities for saving space, delivers highly efficient performance and at the same time conserves resources.


power supply
AC 380-480 3 phace
6 robot azes
cpu architecture
intel x86(main cpu)+ARM
Weight approx
dualcab (70kg), triplecab 90kg, contorller 22kg
Protection class
IP 54
internal storge
60 GB(SSD M2)
Dualcab 720*720*600mm, triplecab 960*720*600mm, controller 207*392* 500mm


The KR C5 micro small robot control system integrates seamlessly into diverse automation environments, supporting nearly all KR C4 applications for broader, cost-effective application possibilities. Designed with adaptable hardware resources and flexible I/O ports, it is prepared to swiftly meet future requirements and standards. Notably, it is KUKA’s first controller capable of running both KUKA.SystemSoftware (KSS) and iiQKA.OS, KUKA’s next-generation operating system.